Tag Archives: PHP

5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance

《5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance》

經驗之談。是用 Symfony 時最難察覺的效能盲點,也是最難改善的地方。

We will continue our performance series with Symfony (previously on Doctrine ORM and PHP). This blog post describes some of the fundamental aspects that affect Symfony performance at the core of HttpKernel request lifecycle. These complement the Symfony Performance docs, which mentions general tips such as Bytecode Caching and Autoloader Optimizations.


Refactoring the Cat API client

《Refactoring the Cat API client》

用一個很簡單的例子示範 refactoring 和寫 unit test case。

It turned out, creating a video tutorial isn’t working well for me. I really like writing, and speaking in public, but I’m not very happy about recording videos. I almost never watch videos myself as well, so… the video tutorial I was talking about won’t be there. Sorry!

To make it up with you, what follows is a series of blog posts, covering the same material as I intended to cover in the first episodes of the tutorial.


Create your PHP Framework

《Create your PHP Framework 》

高舉 DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself),卻不斷重造輪子,新 framework 一個接一個學都學不完,然後公司還有自己的一套架構要維護,這就是 programmer 的日常!
人類總要犯同一個錯誤,這裡有 Symfony 的作者仔細教你怎樣用各種 components 由零開始寫一個 framework!對於了解框架底層和架構相當有幫助,大量 code example 亦令其相當易明。
(時間不夠?那可讀讀 Silex,同系的一個簡小 micro-framework smile 表情符號 )


PHP Manual Masterpieces


PHP,世上其中一個最令人又愛又恨的程式語言,今天 20 歲了。
來看看 PHP 的作者當年為甚麼會替 htmlspecialchars() 起一個又長又討厭的名字吧:
(這個 blog 的作者真的很討厭 PHP 呢,整個 blog 都是怨咒文 XD)
